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My Alternative Medicine Approach

Valley Center Chiropractor | Valley Center chiropractic My Alternative Medicine Approach | CA |

Sometimes you do not need a second medical opinion... you need an alternative one!

Until medical doctors like Dr. Oz and Dr. Weil became well known, most people thought of "natural", "holistic"and "alternative" medicine as unscienttific.

Now so many of the natural alternatives that were once thought of as "quackery" by much of the medical establishment, and therefore the public, have shown to be safe and effective that a whole new branch of "scientfic" medicine has emerged along with new phrases to describe it. One phrase is "integrative medicine" whereby a doctor tries to intergrate the best of allopathic medicine and alternative medicine in one practice. Another new phrase, "complimentary medicine" admits that standard and alternative medicine can be used together in ways compliment and empower the other.

The phrase "holistic medicine", though older, looks beyond these therapeutic approaches as such and evaluates the person as a whole, phyisical, mental, spiritual; lifestyle, thoughts, beliefs and intentions.  

I have spent the last several decades "integrating" human medical physiology, pathophysiology with various chiropractic technics, herbal and nutritional medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture concepts, applied kinesiology, physical therapy and dietary counsel to get sick people well without drugs or surgery. I have focused on "low tech" alternative diagnostics that greatly reduce the cost of my services.

Simply put, Valley Center Chiropractic and Holistic Care is a "One Stop Natural Healing Shop".

Of course, not everyone gets well. But I have come to expect small m  healing "miracles" on a regular basis.

If you want to read my posts on natural health and healing, and the dangers of some medical treaments and procedures,

come and visit and "like" me at

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12:30pm - 5:30pm


9:30am - 2:30pm


12:30pm - 5:30pm


9:30am - 2:30pm


12:30pm - 5:30pm


9:30 am-1:30 pm



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Also, though it is best to have " a chiropractor near me " , seeing " the best chirorpactor " is wor!th the trip!