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Sciatica is one of the most common types of lower back pain that has a considerable impact on the activities of daily living and quality of life. Described as a sharp pain that originates in the lower back and travels through the back of the thigh and down the leg, it can vary in frequency and intensity and can affect one or both the legs. It happens when the sciatic nerve — the largest nerve of the body that begins from the lumbar spine and runs down to the legs— gets compressed or injured. According to statistics, an estimated 1 to 10% of the general population aged between 25 and 45 years suffer from sciatica at some point.

While sciatica is easy to identify because of the sharp, shooting pain that radiates down the leg from the lower back, managing its pain and other symptoms is hard. Many people with sciatica find relief from pain medication and corticosteroid injections; however, the relief is often short-term and comes with side-effects. The safest course of action for most people is chiropractic care, which is a safer natural treatment. According to research, a few visits to a sciatica chiropractor in Escondido can help relieve pressure off the sciatic nerve.

How will sciatica chiropractic treatment in Valley Center help you?

Since chiropractic focuses on hand-on manipulation of the spine to correct its alignment, a sciatic chiropractor in Valley Center will make some manual or non-force instrument assisted adjustments to your spine, especially the lumbar spine, to alleviate pressure off the sciatic nerve and overall spine. With multiple visits, you will likely experience complete relief from most of your pain and will have increased spinal mobility. Holistic chiropractors may also recommend you combine other natural treatment options such as ice/heat, physical therapy, low back exercise, yoga, and / or natural herbal pain relievers and anti-inflammatories for faster relief.

However, before performing chiropractic adjustments on your spine, they will diagnose the condition to find the underlying cause and make sure chiropractic care is the right choice for you. .

How will Valley Center Chiropractic and Holistic Care help you?

If you have sciatica, Dr. John Maher at Valley Center Chiropractic and Holistic Care will help manage and treat it by utilizing his skills and expertise spanning the entire chiropractic wellness spectrum his 25+ years of experience has taught him. Awarded “Top Chiropractor in Valley Center” for 2018 by the International Association of Chiropractors (IAC), he is a renowned sciatica chiropractor in Temecula, Valley Center, San Marcos, Escondido and other parts of California who uses suitable techniques to effectively address the problem. Feel free to contact him today.

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